Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
simple joys and grateful hearts
...floods of christmas cards...
Brett's gift to me wrapped in drafting and twine
he knows the way to my heart!
but wait, what's here at the bottom? a dream inside a dream...
wearing the jacket from me, playing mindbenders, drinking coffee
a new tablet for his game system
~my merry loves ~
Sunday, December 25, 2011
mystery incarnate
Christmas greetings from The Portage!
Despite the brown landscape we are having a splendid yuletide together. I've cleaned house til it sparkled, had a heaping share of lutefisk and lefsa, completed some stellar handmade gifts ... and we're only getting started! Tomorrow will be Craft Day Part Two with Andrea working on projects for our gift exchange with Brett's folks/sister on New Year's Sunday. Because of our involvement with soundboard/music at church this morning, we are going to open stockings tomorrow (which Brett has OFF!) and we just finished skyping with the Ives in California. I will post a few photos when I have a better internet connection; just know that I am bursting with thankfulness for my family, my home, and grace that sustains life.
Jesus was God come to Earth. Born in a dirty, grungy, smelly stable. The manure was still warm and the air drafty, and the straw pokey. Perfection humbled. Omnipotence submitted. Holiness bestowed. I would like my days, words, actions to echo the reality of the nativity story. Mystery Incarnate.
Despite the brown landscape we are having a splendid yuletide together. I've cleaned house til it sparkled, had a heaping share of lutefisk and lefsa, completed some stellar handmade gifts ... and we're only getting started! Tomorrow will be Craft Day Part Two with Andrea working on projects for our gift exchange with Brett's folks/sister on New Year's Sunday. Because of our involvement with soundboard/music at church this morning, we are going to open stockings tomorrow (which Brett has OFF!) and we just finished skyping with the Ives in California. I will post a few photos when I have a better internet connection; just know that I am bursting with thankfulness for my family, my home, and grace that sustains life.
Jesus was God come to Earth. Born in a dirty, grungy, smelly stable. The manure was still warm and the air drafty, and the straw pokey. Perfection humbled. Omnipotence submitted. Holiness bestowed. I would like my days, words, actions to echo the reality of the nativity story. Mystery Incarnate.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
eleventy-first post
There are people so poor, all they have is money.
Paul said our weaknesses exemplify Christ's strength. So, stubbornly, I pray "Make me needy. Make me have to suffer, to work hard, to toil long. Let me be desperate for You." Of course over the years I will do (have done) nearly anything to avoid dependence on anyone or anything, but that is laughably impossible. Our ideas of difficulty and ease can be quite fallacious.
By God's grace we no longer have ANY credit cards, for the first time in our lives. Unless Brett's salary changes dramatically or his hours decline again, we are set to pay off the student loans & house in about 5 years. As helpful as those five years would be to invest and save for the future, it is just not worth me working full time and missing these five years of Norah's life. Nope. No matter how much I second-guess. Besides, perhaps our challenges can be a testament to God's sustenance and we can glorify Him with our discipline (or possible failure). This is our chosen path, not an easy one, but it could be much, much worse.
We are taking a Dave Ramsey class again next year because we learned so much the first time (and you can get your own stats at mytmmo.com). You might be at a way different place in life than we are; I think I'm just trying to communicate my gratefulness, and to encourage anyone in similar circumstances. That red line on the graph? It ends on our 10th anniversary - how cool is that?! Maybe I will get a tattoo to commemorate the event's significance. Maybe not, we'll see.
What will Norah be like when she's ten? What does it matter? She's three right now, and she won't be three forever, so I'm gonna go give her a kiss.
(a quote I read on the internet)
Paul said our weaknesses exemplify Christ's strength. So, stubbornly, I pray "Make me needy. Make me have to suffer, to work hard, to toil long. Let me be desperate for You." Of course over the years I will do (have done) nearly anything to avoid dependence on anyone or anything, but that is laughably impossible. Our ideas of difficulty and ease can be quite fallacious.
By God's grace we no longer have ANY credit cards, for the first time in our lives. Unless Brett's salary changes dramatically or his hours decline again, we are set to pay off the student loans & house in about 5 years. As helpful as those five years would be to invest and save for the future, it is just not worth me working full time and missing these five years of Norah's life. Nope. No matter how much I second-guess. Besides, perhaps our challenges can be a testament to God's sustenance and we can glorify Him with our discipline (or possible failure). This is our chosen path, not an easy one, but it could be much, much worse.
What will Norah be like when she's ten? What does it matter? She's three right now, and she won't be three forever, so I'm gonna go give her a kiss.
the best part
tis the season
Christmas is 12 days away. I still want to make a treeskirt, decide where to display our Christmas cards, adorn the bare wreath on our porch, bake an assortment of cookies, and finish wrapping gifts, but in the meantime I'll share a few of our holiday traditions in our new home.
The Portage alit with twinkle lights from our wedding
a tree Brett designed out of scraps at work
corduroy stockings on our century staircase
our reassembled metal tree
with branches that unscrew and red rubber-capped tips
with branches that unscrew and red rubber-capped tips
decorated with cardinals & ribbons on Brett's birthday
a tree for Norah to decorate with ornaments
our candlelit helm
Friday, December 2, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
december first snow
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