
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Mission Trip: Minneapolis

At the end of our four-day trip, our team of five filled out evaluation forms and wrote ourselves letters recounting what we experienced while it was still fresh on our minds. Two weeks later we were able to give our group report to our church body and share a slideshow of pictures. However, there are many more who supported us personally through prayer and giving who have not yet heard the story. Following is my brief attempt to recap our short-term mission trip to inner-city Minneapolis, Fri July 26th - Mon July 29th, Anno Domini 2013.

Our trip was a whirlwind and yet so full of grace. Not only did we deepen our relationship with the Lord and with each other, but we learned about some great mission opportunities and devoted disciples less than 75 miles from our front door here in Owatonna. We were all challenged in different ways and we were each given the opportunity to use our own gifts and talents.

Friday we helped with cleaning and maintenance projects at Akina Community Church, which is made up mostly of Ojibwe Native Americans. Saturday we met an InterFACE worker who was serving Nepali-Bhutanese refugees in her neighborhood, and we helped survey refugee families, learn about their needs, and provide resources for them and their children as they adjust to their new homes, jobs, and language. Friday and Saturday nights we participated in Street Level evangelism downtown and were able to share the gospel and engage in many conversations about Jesus. Sunday we taught children's Sunday school at Akina, went on prayer walks for Tibetan families, and sorted clothes and served a meal at the Marie Sandvik Center for homeless and needy. On Sunday night our amazing Bethany Global Team Leader, Alison G, introduced us to several people groups compiled in the book Operation China, and some missionaries and students she knew personally involved in reaching these locations. Monday we helped at the Salvation Army day camp where many of the kids spoke Spanish, doing gospel-oriented crafts and helping construct their VBS set. Throughout the trip we were able to eat several delicious ethnic meals, hear the testimonies of wonderful brothers and sisters, and mutually encourage one another.

You can view a few photos from our trip here:

I cannot help but love learning, especially about other cultures and people. I must confess the incredible glimpses of the Nepali/Bhutanese families--from the jovial grandfathers to the hospitable new mothers to precocious six year old Nischal--held me rapt and goaded me to petition God for Linda's work to be fruitful. I don't really have words to convey the beauty and receptivity that these people have. I'm just struck by it. I'm struck by the magnitude of diversity that exists in our world, and the magnanimity of Christ's people serving Him in the alleyways and front porches and living rooms, around the world and right here in Minnesota.