I've been recording snatches of the days...
Elanor Dregge and Johannah Merz
In a homily for a wedding, Denis Haack explains that marriage is extraordinary: One proof is that even math has stopped working. Or more accurately, math is working at a far deeper, mysterious level here today. When you walked in here, 1 + 1 = 2. But when you walk out, 1 + 1 = 1.http://blog4critique.blogspot.com/2010/10/present-your-bodies.htmlIt happened. Sitting here at the computer, I heard the ominous succession of thumps that I had long dreaded: my toddler falling down the flight of wood stairs. As I ran to the foot of the stairway, her scream actually gave me immense relief (for then I knew she was conscious), and even before I reached her my mind ran through the possibilities of black eyes, bruises and broken bones. I observed poor norah sprawled face down for just long enough to determine that she could move on her own, but as she reached for me tearfully - sobbing something about falling down the stairs as if i might not realize what had happened - I was amazed to discover no visible injury. Nothing bleeding or broken. Once in my arms her sobs subsided and she asked for ice, which she does every time she acquires a bump, and we talked about how she needs to go down stairs feet-first and not try to walk down by herself.
Ned and I
"...when you were shipwrecked, you sailed from the place in a boat woven mostly of spells, and it didn't leak water. Was it illusion?"
"Well, partly it was illusion, because I am uneasy seeing the sea through great holes in my boat, so I patched them for the looks of the thing..."
"Well, partly it was illusion, because I am uneasy seeing the sea through great holes in my boat, so I patched them for the looks of the thing..."
-A Wizard of Earthsea
This made Brett and I laugh aloud, and such moments are precious and rarer than they should be. You might have to read the book to share our amusement. Ged is such a serious fellow most of the time.
So we may have been a little giddy with being alive when we shook with laughter over the wizard's teasing.
Platonic Dualism: The problem of dualism is not making a distinction, but creating a hierarchy (of value). The solution is to put all under God, not blur the distinction.
Hannah Coulter: Expectations are a puff of smoke. Education often encourages the belief that there is a better place somewhere else.
On Being a Neighbor: The hardest thing to give is ourselves. God meshes our desires and talents with His calling.
Then we returned to a land of white. I put an end to four years of dental avoidance. I finished my book a few minutes before bookclub. Hurray for offers of rides and spontaneous visits from friends, ending the evening with a succulent House episode. Got a lovely breakfast and great tips on jewelry versatility and chiropractice at MOPS this morning. Now to grate and freeze squash, scrape paint, start holiday projects. I know this Thanksgiving and Christmas are going to be the best yet.