
Saturday, February 19, 2011

wrenched or offered

Lord Jesus, I offer You
all that I am
all that I have
all that I do
all that I suffer
Now and Forever.

This prayer is in chapter seven of Linda Dillow's book Calm My Anxious Heart, and she suggests writing a list of all the things in each category of your life so that you can willfully sacrifice them all to the Lord. More than just a simple exercise, this compelled me to grow in faith as I considered all the "dreams" that God has had to wrench away from my desperate grasp. The gifts of a loving husband and a beautiful daughter that I did nothing to deserve--Am I able to surrender my own daughter if God calls me too? (for God gave His own beloved Son to die) --Could I live without the other half of my heart? (widows are to honor God too)

I must steadfastly believe that I am His vessel to use for His purposes, and even if the ground opens up beneath me (physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually) His strength will suffice. Let it be so with me, dear Father.


KimB said...

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

soblessed2be said...

I know he's used you in my life! :0) You are such a darling, and I love you muchO!!!