Bathroom and kitchen transformations are immanent. But Brett has had such a haphazard work schedule for the last month that progress is crawling. Moving, yes. Leaping and bounding, no. Every day and night when he is gone at his two jobs, I think of five new things for him to do. Add them to the list. :)
I have found or been given more free things then I ever imagined! I feel positively lavished upon. We are incredibly close to having to give stuff away. Actually, I am donating our overabundance to the youth rummage sale. Holy mackerel - we only just had our own house for two months!
This week I got a $10 OFF Kohl's coupon in the mail, and today I went to browse clearance racks and found an adorable red&white summer dress for Norah (pictured above), and a cool red tank top for myself, and spent $0.96!! Then we stopped at a friend's garage sale:
Here is a partial list of bargains we have scored via friend&family, craigslist, thrift stores, clearance, and garage sales:
dining table - futon - couch - sectional - fridge - stove - dishwasher - chest freezer - clawfoot tub - shower halo - tile - paint - rugs - curtains - rods - towel bars - drying racks - baker's rack - recycling bins- file cabinet - linen wardrobe - dresser - bookshelves - chairs - washer/dryer - pole for clothesline - swingset - floorlamps - light fixtures - light bulbs - canning jars - coffee filters - bricks for firepit - laptops - riding lawn mower - flat screen tv - tools - fabric - pillows - plants - and probably a hundred things I am forgetting!
Um, wow. My cup overflows...
RayGun, i truly believe you, Brett and Norah deserve all the riches in the world.
You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life...
AHhh that dress is too cute! :0). I got that coupon too. Although I thought the coupon was good till Monday. Guess what, I went Monday to use it...oops. At least I realized it while we were in the parking lot at home! :). YAY for bargains! Isnt it amazing how God provides the things we need? :) He rocks! :)
I love that dress! It's amazing to see the various ways the Lord provides. . .I always think of things like that dress as "above and beyond." Just having basic clothes to dress our family with is adequate- if that's all we had, the Lord would be providing our need. But He chooses sometimes to abundantly bless us, and give us even those things that are nice or fun to have. That always makes me think again of God's goodness. What a good God to bestow His mercies on us- sometimes in the form of cute little dresses!
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