I feel amazing!
Here is how I did it:
Actually, it started a couple years ago when Norah was born and my dear mom mailed me some heavy duty butterfly print fabric she found in a thrift shop. I thought maybe someday I would make curtains or something for my little Elanor Zeforah. Then, this year, I decided to try to make my first quilt ever for her for Christmas.
I checked a few books out at the library, but they were just too putzy and I couldn't find the look I wanted, so I went to my church's monthly quilting ministry and watch the ladies piece together beautiful quilts - and asked a ton of questions! BONUS: I got to know some older ladies and work beside them. They even let me make up my own pattern.
After that I went home, measured my inspiration piece, and did some math to figure out the size and number of squares. I found scraps of fabric with colors I wanted and bought some more scraps, and washed and dried all of it.
I borrowed a few tools from my husband's aunt Cindy to cut my squares, and laid them out to play with the pattern a little. This was probably my FAVORITE part. **grin**
Next, I borrowed my mother-in-law Andrea's sewing machine and started sewing all the squares together. Then I bought batting and today I sewed it all together!! I still may add ties to the quilt to give the middle more integrity, but I can hardly believe how well it turned out, despite a few teeny tiny puckers. And the total cost? $5 for the fabric I found in scrap bins + $8.50 for the batting (with a narrow piece left over) = $13.50! I'm definitely not addicted to quilts, but I sure love this one. Now it needs a name...
it's gorgeous! way to go!!!! :D
LOVE it!
How exciting! It's just gorgeous. Congratulations!
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