norah has also contracted the same cold, but she accomplishes her to-do list with exasperating ease. which list includes:
- helping herself to things from the fridge
- asking 427.5 questions each day
- pulling all the cushions off all the couches
- strewing toys everywhere, and then saying she's playing with ALL of them
- asking for snacks 19 times per hour ("eating treats")
- the activities previously chronicled in comic form
- going outside without boots, coat, hat, or permission
- refusing to finish carefully prepared foods like toast with jam, and then asking for "dessert" less than five minutes later
- asking to paint/playdough/other supervision-requiring craft ten minutes into Lady and the Tramp
- throwing a tantrum when her mother won't let her "watch" another dvd
- waking up before her mom can summon the coherence to crawl out of bed
- not taking a nap
- still trying to sneak out of bed when i'm drifting off at a very late hour (HOW can she thrive on so little sleep???)
but please, don't get the wrong idea about my daughter; the rest of the time she's an angel.
i am full of imperfection when it comes to parenting (patience). mainly this is just setting all of it down so that i can look back upon it fondly (right??). oh blessed day when i can once more be on even-par with her energy-wise! oh day when she gets Papa-Time on a regular basis again.
woof - i hear ya! milo & are both fighting minor colds, and he's been fighting sleep.... how does his tired little body have so much energy when i have none?
i love how you've chronicled this, though. hope you feel better soon! and let me know if you need to drop norah off so you can get some rest or catch up or whatever. :)
This is a-dorable. Although, I'm sorry to hear you're sick (I am too. My cough just woke me up after a whole 90 minutes of sleep). I hope things start taking a turn for the better soon, dear. If not, please post more about it because this is actually super cute.
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