
Sunday, February 19, 2012

we can only imagine

...the thoughts of a three year old. I keep trying to imagine what transpired while I was out cleaning in the garage while I thought Norah was napping. I came in to find she had been partying hard before she passed out. She had managed to sneak downstairs and squirrel a left-over pb&j and not one, but TWO cans of pop (both open, neither empty).

Norah's possible mental conversations?

"Hmm, I think I will be pretty thirsty. Better bring TWO cans."

Or maybe she made separate trips for each can:

"What?? Diet?! Too bad I can't read yet. Better go back for the good stuff."

Did she plan to share with company that we didn't know about? Or,

"I can't remember if I took a can of pop up on my last trip - I better bring this one up just in case."

Maybe she's fully my daughter, and didn't want to waste a trip upstairs with one whole hand empty... in which case I imagine she carried the sandwich in her mouth.

1 comment:

Dawn Merz said...

Oh so very very cute!!!!