
Sunday, October 30, 2011

old friends

My dear old friends S. and R. and little E. visited this fine fall weekend. We baked, walked, shopped, competed, laughed, and enjoyed each other's sweet company together.

The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend. ~Aristotle

Norah and "Steve" were fast friends. Norah graciously shared her tea, and Eve attentively observed and cooed her approval. While the adults talked amongst themselves over dinner, Norah held a separate conversation with her new little buddy.

We missed you, Abi!

"Did you get our feet?"

Align CenterEve is a peek-a-boo pro.

Brett drew a helpful map to Starbucks.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

less is more

I am backwards. I *wish* I were backwoods... At least I'm near woods. Or what used to be woods.

Here is why I am upside-down:
I wish we only had one gas-guzzler, but we have two.
I wish we had zero tvs, but we have two large flatscreens, both gifts.
I wish we did not have a full-sized fridge as well as a chest freezer.
I wish we lived on a full acre, or more.
I wish we lived on a gravel road.

I am glad to have my very own laptop.
I'm grateful I don't have a cell phone.
I'm sincerely thankful I have a functional bicycle and burley carrier.
I love our compost.
I adore the fact that we only have one bathroom.
I rejoice to live in a town whose population is below 50,000.
(I'd rejoice more if it was below 5,000.)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

the order of the day

Good order is the foundation of all things.
--Edmund Burke

Order is the shape upon which beauty depends.--Pearl S. Buck

We adore chaos because we love to produce order. --M. C. Escher

Ah, how I love a good organization spurt! Does wonders for the soul.

Jewelry on a dolled-up bulletin board in my craft closet.

Ribbon and wrapping holder made out of an old frame.

Our pantry, before & after. (Thanks to Brett!!!)
We switched the door hinges to the opposite side which makes it far more convenient, and I'm sure I can think of something to put on that bare inside of the door besides a plastic bag dispenser...

It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.--Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, October 21, 2011


The definition of a good day.

century farm

My grandmother turned 96 yesterday, and Norah and I journeyed down to Rolfe to visit the farm as the harvest draws to a close. We hadn't been down since April!

splinting a broken leg

Like the curls? took me five minutes and nothing but a headband!

I learned here:

Iowa sunset, October 20th, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

fall 2011 shoot


Now that Brett has quit his night-and-weekend job, he has more time to work at home. All of the projects I have been hoarding up are gradually coming to fruition. For instance, the indoor/outdoor lights I found on the curbside, in a box marked FREE?

- have become frugal, functional, fabulous wall lamps for a room with no ceiling lights!

the culprit

I was uploading the photos on my memory card, and came across some pictures I didn't remember taking. Not only did I not remember them, but they really weren't very good. Unfocused, random photos of the floor, the ceiling, and parts of what look like a kitty. Then I came across this photo, and I remembered that I had once found my camera in the couch cushions.

...recognize those pink-booted tootsies?