
Thursday, May 17, 2012

oh frabjous day

In the ten days since I last posted I have thought about what to blog quite a lot. Putting words to my life evades me these days. Brett's crazybus 80hr/wk schedule is halved now, what lightness! He not only gets to have supper with us each and every day, he also gets Fridays OFF for the next six weeks (Monday feels more like Wednesday and Thursday feels like Friday)! Unbelievable surreality! So thankful are we to "have" more of him. Summer planning can officially commence. More to come...

1 comment:

Abbie Burnham said...

Hooray for Brett being home more! I know my dad used to work 80 hour weeks and I remember cherishing his very few days off, since we never saw him, it seemed. I'm glad that was a short season for you.