
Thursday, June 17, 2010


A week ago I planted kernels of corn in black soil freshly turned. It rained all weekend. Yesterday, my little seedlings were an inch high! So proud of the little darlings.

Three summers ago Brett gave me a ring. It takes a little longer than a weekend of rain to see the product of our labor to build a marriage that honors the One Who gave His life for His bride. I hope upon hope that our relationship is a tiny little sprout that is maturing each day by God's grace.

In Created to Be His Help Meet Debi Pearl writes that most men tend to be dominant in one of three traits that reflect God's character: Commanders, Visionaries, or Steady men. My Brett is the latter.

"When you are married to a man who is steady and cautious, and you have a bit of the impatient romantic in you, you may not see his worth and readily honor him."

Hit home much? She goes on to give me many solid reasons to appreciate his steadiness.
...He is like deep, deep water
...His strength is exercised as he quietly assumes responsibility that other usually shirk
...His steadfastness is sure, his loyalty is strong
...His children grow up to highly respect their gentle-speaking dad.
...His still, quiet presence brings peace. He does not focus on the eternal picture, nor is he looking through a microscope, but he does respect both views as important. His vision is as a man seeing life just as it is.

"If you didn't attempt to change him into something other than what God created him to be, he would not cause you any grief."

The women in our small group studied Helper By Design by Elyse Fitzpatrick, and I am convicted by the way she explains what it means to be a helpmate.

"Eve’s punishment proves that God looked upon her as equal with Adam in His image. She was just as responsible to know and obey the Law as he was, and she was equally accountable for her actions. She wouldn’t be allowed to skirt her obligation with a flippant, "It’s my husband’s fault. If he had been a better husband, I would have been a better wife. ""

My MIL recommended Love & Respect. Then I heard it mentioned again in a friend’s wedding ceremony, so I picked it up and was so glad I did. Emerson Eggerich writes:

"The apostle Peter wrote to wives that if any husband were disobedient to God’s Word, "they may be word without a word by the behavior of their wives, as they observe your chaste and respectful behavior" (1 Peter 3:1-2). Peter is definitely talking about unconditional respect. The husbands he mentions are either carnal Christians or unbelievers who are disobedient to the Word - that is, to Jesus Christ. God is not pleased with a man like this, and such a man does not "deserve" his wife’s respect. But Peter is not calling on wives to feel respect; he is commanding them to show respectful behavior. This is not about the husband deserving respect; it is about the wife being willing to treat her husband respectfully without condition. To say the least, doing something when you don’t really feel you want to do it is counterintuitive. Therefore, this passage must be acted upon in faith."

I am so thankful I am being reminded of these things continually. God has given me every resource I need, and though I deny, accuse, and rebel, He is longsuffering. And so, praise God, is my husband.

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