
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

for coherency's sake

I know I've been posting heaps of photos and videos lately, but I just really feel like posting a few pictures today. I still love the English language as much as ever, it's just that I have too many words swirling around in my brain to put any coherent thought down on paper (or screen).

We went to a wedding last Saturday.

My father-in-law and mother-in-law, with their granddaughter.

Norah. Her grown-up-ness makes me cringe.

My MIL takes a picture of me taking a picture of her. You'll just have to imagine what I look like, as will I, because I never once looked at myself in a mirror that whole day - except for brushing my hair before I put my dress on.

My stylin' nephew Ryott at the Sunday birthday party. He's my favorite nephew ever. And I covet his shoes.


soblessed2be said...

EEEk! Why do they grow so fast. PS I enjoy your picture posts! ;0) XOs sweet friend!

Dawn Merz said...

I love seeing glimpses of your lives! And what a precious dress Norah has on!!!