
Monday, April 30, 2012


Welcome to the last day of April, and the last days of separation from Brett, for this is his last full week of class. Only God knows how the next few months will unfold as he considers where to internship, switches over health insurance and bank accounts (for unrelated reasons), and we think of long term housing projects & traveling dreams we would love to save up for now but need patience to pay off student loans first.

Despite the sacrifices we make, this life IS my dream come true. I'm satisfied with under 30K/year for the rest of my life! I'm trying not to regret the educational choices we made to cause our student loans, for without them we would never have met. In the same way, I know God's plan for our family is perfect for us, and I choose to take joy in my one beautiful, precious, spirited Starflower.

 See how abundant God's provision is?!

1 comment:

Rachel S-H said...

You have the best attitude.

That purple iris, (I think) is beautiful! And Norah is growing so fast.